Dom Jessy Photo On Atlanta Kinkers Club

Dom Jessy

Atlanta - 29 yrs. old

Dom Jessy, 29 years old

Lives in:

About me:
I am a lady to most, Master and Mistress to my slaves only. I am very strict, and structured in how I teach. I teach and train Mine from scratch. so it...

Dom, Master, BDSM

Looking for:

Looking for:
He must be open to new experiences and situations. he must have a high sex drive, and a somewhat high pain tolerance and he must wear a chastity belt at all...

Dom Jessy BDSM photo on Kinkdome
Dom Jessy BDSM photo on Kinkdome
Dom Jessy BDSM photo on Kinkdome

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  • Looking for a kinky mistress

    I’m looking for a dom to humiliate me Teach me how to serve you and I’ll do what ever you want

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